“看到这个孩子,我热泪盈眶, 谁没有很多上场时间, 在比赛的最后两秒为他的球队得分. 他的球队冲进球场,因为他们为他感到非常兴奋,人群变得疯狂起来!——斯塔西·阿纳斯塔西奥,体育总监.

当你谈论索莱伯里学校的体育项目时,一个共同的主题就会浮现出来inclusivity. 除了韦德娱乐苹果手机版下载的竞争性之外,你还会听到更多像这样的词 family, close-knit friendships, and encouragement. One message resonates with coaches and students alike–try everything because you never know what you like.

“我们不仅仅是为了赢、赢、赢. 我们想赢,但我们也希望孩子们刚刚开始成功,”斯泰西分享道. 

The philosophy behind Solebury's athletic program is that everyone should try something new. You don't have to be good at it; just be open to trying. “我的主要目标是给每个人一个机会. 不一定非要是大学级别的比赛, 只是给他们一个在他们的水平上表现出色的机会," shared Stacie. 她把这归功于教练组致力于传授技能, 从核心基础开始, 了解如何帮助有经验的玩家获得曝光, 并且自主发展他们的团队作为项目成功的贡献因素. Stacie also believes our coaches do an excellent job of mixing the athletes with experience and those new to the sport.

The athletics program currently offers 14 team sports and various noncompetitive fitness activities throughout the year. Student-athletes compete for championships in most sports as a part of Solebury’s membership in the Penn-Jersey league. The team sports are:






棒球,垒球,女孩长曲棍球,高尔夫球,男孩网球,田径 & Field


The athletics program plans to add more teams to accommodate growing interest among students. 今年网球、篮球和足球的报名人数显著增加.

除了组织团队运动和健身活动, 韦德娱乐app下载地址通过PSC(毅力、力量和调节)提供个性化指导。. PSC是一个健康项目,在上午6点到下午6点之间运营. 该项目适用于索伯里社区的学生, families, staff, and faculty) to work one-on-one with a certified coach to develop fitness and nutritional plans based on individual goals. “我们从评估检查的姿态开始, range of motion, and functional movement patterns so that we give individuals training activities they are capable of doing,” said Pablo Ambrosio, owner of PSC.

到2024年春天,校园里的物理足迹也将开始变得不同. 我们计划通过重新安置棒球场来重新设计运动综合区域. 这笔资金是由“塑造韦德娱乐app下载地址”运动和爱德华·E·盖茨基金会提供的. 福特基金会配合奖助金.


Spartan Reflections

We interviewed several coaches and student-athletes to learn about their personal athletic experiences at Solebury. Here are their stories:


丹在纽约从事法律工作,而他和他的妻子在新泽西州的克兰伯里抚养他们的家庭. He got into coaching by running the town's recreational program and coaching his kids' Police Athletic League and travel basketball teams. What Dan seeks for his players is the opportunity to "experience progress through hard work and teamwork, 以及竞技篮球带来的高潮和低谷."

Arianna Dempsey '23 

阿里安娜从大一开始就一直踢足球. “每个人都很热情好客,尽管我没有足球经验. 球队的活力令人惊叹,我喜欢教练们. They did their best to highlight what I did well and redirected me to other players who had my weaknesses as strengths," said Arianna. 她在足球方面表现出色,在大三和大四期间一直担任球队队长. During the off-season, 阿里安娜已经开始举重,并计划在这项运动中提升到竞技水平. "Solebury athletics helped me realize the value of teamwork and is definitely a place to experiment in pushing past your comfort zone and trying new things."

Aum Desai '24 

奥姆跑越野赛和田径赛 & field. 他喜欢运动会和比赛, he particularly enjoys close team dynamics–working as one unit on race strategy and team celebrations. “我们以团队为单位进行跑步,但训练是根据技能水平进行个性化的. We spend so much time around each other that we are close friends outside of sports," Aum shared. “跑步教会了我不能作弊. 你必须每天都去上班,百分之百地投入,专注于手头的任务. 特里教练是我遇到过的最支持我的教练.” Aum’s Top performances include a gold medal in the 3000m at Ursinus College’s High School Invitations, a medal and Second Team All-State title at the PA Independent Schools Championship State Meet, 和PJAA联赛冠军. 他想继续在一级大学跑步.


作为一名高中和大学曲棍球运动员, 布鲁斯选择当教练是为了回馈这项运动,并分享它对他生活的积极影响. 他希望他的球员知道他们可以在赛季中学习和发展, 即使他们是长曲棍球的新手. “我最大的成就是让我所有的第一赛季球员都回来了. 我最成功的时刻是当我的团队像一个完整的团队一样竞争的时候, meaning there is no differentiation between the best players and the other players as teammates. 每个人在完成赛季目标中都有自己的角色."


女子足球队一个赛季取得了六连胜,令人难以置信. 他们今年的记录是8胜2负. "I cannot take sole credit for the accomplishments of the team since I am the assistant coach, but I like to think that I supported the girls in pushing themselves to believe and see their abilities as people and as athletes," shared Kim. She has played soccer since childhood and hopes to instill in players the values of a team environment that goes beyond sport into adulthood. “在一个团队中,即使你不在最佳状态,也要挑战你尽最大努力. It pushes you through your comfort zone physically and emotionally and teaches you to forgive yourself when you make a mistake."


如果你看看我们的奖杯箱,你会看到我们在这些运动中长期取得的成功. “我的工作是训练跑步者,让他们发挥自己的运动天赋.特里为每个运动员的目标制定训练方案. 她还为学生准备了一本参考书,以记录他们的进步, 她说,这是激励他们推动自己的动力吗. "One fond memory I have is crossing the finish line at the Broad Street Run with Jonathan Fleming '16, 他从来没有参加过任何运动队. 我指导跑步者改变他们的生活,成为成功的成年人."

Mackenzie Perez '25 

麦肯齐踢足球、打曲棍球、打篮球,还跑越野赛和田径赛. 她认为足球是她的主要运动. Mackenzie loves the team atmosphere at Solebury and thinks the coaches do a fantastic job of pushing her to be a better athlete. “每个人都非常好. 在足球比赛中,每当我们进球时,我们都会互相击掌和拥抱. 当我们做得好的时候,我们为彼此感到骄傲.“作为一名经验丰富的球员, she can step up as a leader to help new players by giving tips and pointers or being there as a friend. 麦肯齐还认为,体育项目对她的学业有帮助. "I always find that I do better academically when I am active and in good physical condition. 体育项目教会了我很多技能,比如领导能力, communication, determination, and a great work ethic. 这些广泛的技能对我的生活和学业都有帮助." 

Tyler Simpson ’25

Managing routines and schedules on and off the court are something student-athletes learn to do well. “打篮球迫使我确保自己是有条理的. 我有一个每天早上醒来的时间表, read my Bible, 看看股票市场吧, 检查一下我的生意——早饭前. “格雷格教练总是帮助我,告诉我在比赛中可以提高的地方. 他还把篮球和现实生活联系起来, 所以我可以从不同的角度看篮球.泰勒渴望在大学里打一级篮球. 


该计划的主要目标是创造一个学习环境. 埃里克的教练技巧直接关系到足球以外的生活. As such, he created an environment for players to push themselves to try something new regardless of skill level. “我希望我的球员能把球场上的教学应用到日常生活中. The biggest accomplishment is experiencing many former players returning to campus to interact with the current team and show their support. 这充分说明了我们所创造的文化."


在索伯里,每个人都有自己的位置. "My advice for prospective students new to athletics is to try everything to broaden your interest. There's so much here, and you never know what you will end up liking," advised Aum Desai '24 

有关索伯里体育项目的更多信息,请访问 esleepmd.com/athletics 在Instagram上关注@soleburysports.

Let’s go, Spartans!